Category: COVID-19

Board Returns to In-Person Meetings!

Hello Homeowners! After a long year of virtual meetings with varying degrees of success, the Board is very happy to announce the return to in-person board meetings beginning with its meeting on June 7,...

Board to Try Video Conferencing!

Hello Homeowners! As you know, due to COVID-19, regular in-person meetings of the board have had to be canceled until further notice.  So the Board of Directors will be trying out a video conferencing...

COVID-19 Financial Help

COVID-19 Dear Homeowner, In recognition of the uncertain times surrounding the COVID-19 virus and the unprecedented actions being ordered to curtail its spread on both a Federal and State level, we realize some of...

Meetings Cancelled!

Hello Homeowners, In response to the call from President Trump to curtail any meetings of 10 people or more in response to the COVID-19 virus, your Board has decided to cancel its regularly scheduled...

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